Dear Parents and Students:
I hope everyone had a fun and restful Spring Break! We welcome the final quarter of the school year this week and there are many significant events ahead for eighth grade. The students should be looking forward to Concordia Field Day in Austin, TX in three weeks, their Washington D.C. field trip, and graduation.
The Spring Concordia meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 28. Please be in attendance to finalize items for the trip such as trip balance payments and signing insurance forms. We look forward to seeing you there!
Report cards will be issued on Wednesday. We will be recognizing third-quarter student achievements on Friday at 2:00 P.M. On Friday students may wear their activity shirt and jeans in celebration of Spirit Day.
Please let me know about your child's plans for school next year. I enjoy hearing about acceptance to schools such as IB. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Springs for Living Water is our chapel offering for March. We are sending the offerings with Steven Obst for his ministry in China.
Upcoming Events
Report Cards issued - Wed., 3/23
Spirit Day - Fri., 3/25
Awards Assembly - Fri., 3/25, 2 P.M.
Concordia Meeting - Mon., 3/28
PSIA Competition - Sat., 4/2
In His Name,
Jesus T. Pena, M.Ed.
Eighth Grade Teacher
Good job! Jen